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This Free App Alerts You Whenever Google Collects Your Browsing Data

By 25 agosto, 2022No Comments

This Free App Alerts You Whenever Google Collects Your Browsing Data

Those little beeps you hear aren’t Hubert’s keyboard or mouse; it’s GoogleTeller logging every connection to Google’s servers. The near-constant beeping on an unassuming Dutch government site—a country with stricter data tracking laws than the U.S.—shows just how aggressive the company’s tracking really is. Imagine what it sounds like if you’re using Google search on Chrome, or worse, a Pixel phone or Chromebook.


While GoogleTeller’s current Linux exclusivity means Windows and Mac users can’t check Google’s tracking first-hand, the major takeaway is still useful: Google collects a lot of your data. A lot. You don’t necessarily need an app to tell you that, but even still, you may find the results depressing enlightening.

Does this mean your privacy is at risk? Google mostly uses that data to diagnose bugs, improve its services, and—most likely—make money from its advertising partners. The advertising practices are skeevy, and such aggressive tracking is invasive, but the real issue comes from outside threats that can intercept and leak user data if not properly secured—a risk posed by any company that collects user data.


The good news is you can mostly escape Google’s trackers. There are browsers and browser extensions with stronger privacy controls that block both Google and anyone else from sniffing out your browsing data. There are also user controls in your Google Account that limit what you share with Google, and even auto-delete the data it stores on you. Obviously, the only foolproof way to avoid Google’s trackers is to delete your Google Account and stop using the company’s products entirely.


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