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Yell at Your Google Assistant to STFU

By 27 enero, 2022No Comments

There doesn’t appear to be anything you need to do on your end; if your Google smart speaker or smart display is connected to the internet, it should update with this feature all on its own. All you need to do is say “Stop.”

However, just because “stop” is all you need to say, doesn’t mean it has to be the only thing you say. As long as Google Assistant hears that word, it’ll shut up. So, if you’re feeling inspired, you can yell at your smart speaker to “fucking stop,” or something. So long as you emphasize “stop,” it’ll stop talking.

Sure, when the AI apocalypse begins, they’ll come for you first, and I’ll likely ask them to “fucking stop” in a wholly different context. But, until then, it’s super fun to yell obscenities at your Nest Mini to do your bidding.


[XDA Developers]

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