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3 Most Inspiring Education Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2022

By 4 noviembre, 2021No Comments
Education Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is a popular subject. And yet, traditional education is failing to train future generations when it comes to owning their own businesses.

Failing to train future generations has led to the rise of a group of entrepreneurs focused on educating the next generation. Entrepreneurial women and men from different backgrounds are rising to show what it takes to own and operate a business with success.

What Are Education Entrepreneurs?

The term educational entrepreneurs refer to the men and women who are willing to share their accumulated experiences with future generations of business leaders. This isn’t just a pleasant piece of philanthropy in action. It’s a desperately needed educational activity.

Everyone is aware of the way that the world is changing. Technology is rewriting how businesses operate. Covid-19 forced countless companies to throw out the playbook and dig deep to find creative solutions.

Nevertheless, throughout this process, the educational system has remained fixated on outdated methods and messages. If the children of the present are going to be given a chance to build the businesses of the future, they must be influenced by the entrepreneurs that are doing so in the here and now.

The Top 3 Education Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2022

Entrepreneurship is one of the most popular career choices in human history. This creates an endless stream of potential influencers and mentors who can help educate younger generations.

Here are three burgeoning education entrepreneurs that are worth watching as we head into 2022.

Tracey Grace

The first candidate on the list is Tracey Grace. This fearless entrepreneur boasts 20 years of experience in the training and IT industries. In addition, she is well-versed in leadership and management through her experience at corporations like Learning Tree International and FedEx.

Grace is also a serial entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of IBEX (IT Business Experts), an award-winning IT consulting and training firm. She also launched Certifiably Diverse, a vendor management platform that specializes in diverse supply chain management.

Creating IBEX and Certifiably Diverse has given Grace the opportunity to express her entrepreneurial acumen and business opinions from her own perspective. It has also given her a greater podium to speak from as she influences future entrepreneurs from her own heights of success.

Grace, an African American woman, is an outspoken proponent of diversity both in and out of the workplace. When speaking of her business ventures, she addresses the ongoing need to improve the state of things. However, maintaining the status quo isn’t an option.

There are plenty of entrepreneurs who care about diversity on one level or another. However, Grace makes the list due to her ability to succeed and care at the same time. Her businesses are well run — and thriving because of it.

However, Grace doesn’t let her accomplishments cloud her vision. On the contrary, she excels at incorporating her convictions into the very essence of her businesses.

Grace’s infectious energy and positive momentum are refreshing to anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit. Her background in training also makes her messages accessible and digestible. Both experienced business owners and those who aspire to own businesses can learn from this forward-thinking trailblazer.

Matt Candler

Some entrepreneurs educate those who want to own their own businesses in the future. Others marry their educational and entrepreneurial passions together. Such is Matt Candler.

Candler is a man who is sick and tired of watching an outdated schooling system. From stagnant approaches to dull topics, Candler has lost hope in the modern approach to education — as it now stands.

Rather than throw fits from the sideline, though, the entrepreneur has thrown his hat in the ring as a bonafide educational entrepreneur. The innovator has created an entrepreneurial “incubator” that has already launched over 40 different startups revolving around education.

This network is collected under the parent organization 4.0 Schools. It consists of companies that welcome anyone with a spark or idea that could improve the future of education.

Candler explains that his growing movement answers a previously lacking need to innovate schools and education in the U.S. The enterprise’s goal is to shake up the status quo and challenge the future of education in America — and it is doing just that.

While 4.0 Schools is worthy of attention all on its own, its founder is also worth watching. The mentor is pinpoint focused on electrifying the lives of those around him. The attitude is contagious and highly applicable to the modern, evolving 21st-century lifestyle.

Kawthar Bin Sulayem

The last individual to make the list is a female entrepreneur and international businesswoman, Kawthar Bin Sulayem. Sulayem is an expert strategical advisor with 15 years of experience in the PR and media industry.

Operating out of the UAE, Sulayem specializes in strategic communication and public policy advisory. Her clients consist of anyone from private organizations to government entities and even high profile individuals.

Sulayem is also a well-respected serial entrepreneur and the founder or co-founder of KBS Strategies, Mestaria, Nine17 Sport, and Fashion Fever UAE.

Sulayem has spent the bulk of her professional life in the corporate world. However, she is also painfully aware of the shortcomings of the modern educational system.

Sulayem’s forthright criticism of academia is damning, to say the least. She points out how little of her own education translated into her professional success. However, she’s also aware of how linear and flat current educational models are. Even as they’ve adapted to remote learning, the academic focus has barely shifted to accommodate the modern learning landscape.

Sulayem sees the need to allow entrepreneurship to have equal attention as an educational subject. Children must be able to start their entrepreneurial training at a young age to avoid playing catchup down the road.

With a solid track record and an anti-traditional mindset toward education, Sulayem is worth watching heading into 2022.

These three professionals are all loaded with sage wisdom. Their past experiences, current mindsets, and future-focused vision can excite and convict anyone with a leaning toward business.

So pick whoever you like to follow (including all three) and consider tracking down a few more individuals to keep tabs on throughout the year ahead. The steady flow of advice and encouragement can do wonders in shaping how your future unfolds.

The post 3 Most Inspiring Education Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2022 appeared first on ReadWrite.